A new research study to investigate climate justice and sustainability public symbols and their possible influences here in our region is now underway. We hope you will join us in sharing our heartfelt support! The purpose of the community-based study is to understand primarily two developments -- the creation process behind the public faith-based symbols for climate justice that now exist on places of faith throughout Waterloo Region, and their subsequent effects on climate justice awareness, discourse and actions (see Faith Climate Justice banners page here for some examples).
This study will help increase understanding of the efficacy of public symbolism promoting climate justice in a local context, and honours the extensive good work that took place to create and promote the climate justice banners by FCJ members, creating a valuable opportunity for reflection. For the public announcement about this research study being led by FCJ member, artist and PhD candidate in Community Psychology Kai RW, please click here. On Saturday March 12th, 2022, a cold and windy day in Waterloo region, more than a dozen Faith Climate Justice members participated in two public events held locally for the nationwide Day of Action for a Just Transition (details here). Here, "Just Transition" refers to a just clean energy transition from fossil fuels that is guided by climate science, Indigenous and community-based knowledge, and a commitment to leave no one behind. Two actions took place in Waterloo region: one organized by UW and WLU students and faculty at Waterloo Public Square, and the other at Huron Natural Area in Kitchener. In the language of the Neutral Attawandaron Peoples, this area was known as Ganödagwëhda:’ DosgëhGëhö:de’ or “the village close by the stream".
The coordinating team at Faith Climate Justice WR greatly appreciates the active participation of FCJ members at these important actions, calling for a bold and peaceful Just Transition across Canada. A photo from this action can be seen below. In addition, we are deeply grateful for the 21 distinct faith communities from across Waterloo region who signed our public letter to local councils, raising our collective voices in support of bold leadership for a Just Transition locally also. Thank you to all who came out, signed on, and supported. Onwards for climate justice! As the world opens up, it is more important than ever that we find ways to sustain our light on climate justice. On October 21 from 7 pm to 9 pm, FCJ will be hosting a virtual workshop on this topic, featuring Kathy Mostardi & Carol Burrows.
How will we, as people of faith, be viewed by future generations that look back at these times? Do we have the courage and fortitude, both individually and collectively, to continue shining a light on global warming? What lessons from this pandemic are helpful for our climate justice work? How can we juggle the emotional and physical demands of the current health crisis with the longer-term but equally urgent need to slow global warming and its impacts? This webinar will try to answer these questions through the inspirational words of climate leaders, our common faith-based values, and discussions. Spread the word to your communities and sign up with the following link. If possible, consider joining the workshop together with a small in-person group. "Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World" by Katharine HayhoeThe Meetinghouse Parish is offering a discussion group on Dr. Katharine Hayhoe's latest book. The discussions start the week after Thanksgiving. Meetings will be primarily by Zoom, but local participants are welcome to meet in safe indoor smaller groups. The meeting day and time is also flexible, based on the availability of participants. This will be a no-pressure 'alternative' book discussion format that will use big overarching questions and include 'So What' - type action questions.
Please email Lynette if you are interested, and spread the word to others as well! Here is a link to an interview with Katharine or Google 'Saving Us' to learn more about the book. Christian communities around the world are invited to begin planning their Season of Creation celebrations with the new Season of Creation Celebration Guide, now available on the season’s website.
Click here to download the new Season of Creation Celebration Guide On June 22nd, 2021, people of faith throughout Waterloo region submitted a statement to Region of Waterloo Council expressing support for the TransformWR Climate Action Strategy and 50by30 motion being put forward for council's consideration. This collective statement was drafted by the FCJ Actions and Policy Advocacy Working Group, and signed by many local congregations and faith communities, as well as by individuals. It was also accompanied by a delegation by members of Faith Climate Justice to council, which can be watched here, at 2:49:54. We are extremely proud of the efforts of FCJ members both in drafting this statement, securing widespread support amongst our faith communities, and preparing a delegation to regional council - all of which helped contribute to the Region passing both the TransformWR and 50by30 motion on June 22nd. This is a historic motion for Waterloo region, and a strong foundation to continue to build on as we strive toward bold climate action guided by social equity and justice. Alongside many other local grassroots voices, we are glad Faith Climate Justice could also contribute to this good work! The full statement can be found below. ![]()
A wonderful support letter for the efforts of Faith Climate Justice WR from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. From all of us, thank you so much for your expression of support, and solidarity with our shared efforts for climate justice.
The mounting of Stirling's climate justice banner received the following profile in the April 2021 edition of Canadian Mennonite
On March 19, 2021, communities worldwide will be participating in actions for climate justice as part of the Fridays For Future campaign. One option that some local congregations are moving forward with is to hang a banner for climate justice in solidarity on March 19th. Faith Climate Justice is continuing to support any interested faith communities that want to hang a banner to help coordinate these efforts - simply reach out at: [email protected]
Sacred People, Sacred Earth has opportunities for action March 11th! Many faith communities worldwide will be taking part in this day of action. Learn more and consider consider sharing with your faith community: greenfaith.org/take-action/
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